Denver Weather: Record heat with high fire danger nearby

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The warmest temperatures in more than six months will be here today and tomorrow and will likely set records for Denver.

Today's forecast for the lower 80s beats the 80° record from 1982 for this date.

Denver will make it a double, when it hits another record tomorrow; middle 80s is the forecast and 79° from 2018 is the record.

Thursday, we cool off a touch getting ready for a potentially wet end to the week. Here's the hourly planner for Denver and Colorado Springs.

Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs will also be setting records, beating today's 80° and tomorrow's 77° existing record highs.

Statewide, temperatures are quite warm. Here are highs for both today and tomorrow.

Throw in a bit of a wind and the fire danger is increased for the following highlighted counties for tomorrow.

There is some help on the way later this week as a strong system moves into the region and will leave some rain and snow behind. It's too early to discuss snowfall totals, even more so because it's a warm-spring event, but here's an idea of the total precipitation that may come later this week.

For some, it may be a good time to reseed or fertilize your yards with 0.25 to 0.5" being the most probable totals for a fair number of us.

We'll have your snowfall forecast coming out soon. Subscribe to receive an email when we publish that discussion.