Colorado smoke could last for days - Weather5280

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Thick wildfire smoke flooded Colorado skies Monday and as we wake up Tuesday morning, our beautiful view of the mountains continues to be shrouded.

Air quality alerts have been thrown for the entire eastern half of the state, stretching from the continental divide all the way to the Kansas border. If you have respiratory issues, you'll want to limit time outdoors – and even folks in good shape will likely experience discomfort if you perform strenuous outdoor activity.

HRRR Smoke Forecast

As see on the map above, we don't have a whole lot of places that this smoke is going to go. Expect this to be an issue for several days around here, with no big relief expected in the near term (and potentially into the weekend).

Most of this smoke is a result of fires in Canada, but there's also several large plumes coming in from several large fires in Oregon which are totaling over 300,000 acres.

With a Pacific Low blowing in by Saturday, we're hopeful it can drag some of the smoke away to the north. Unfortunately all that really does is lock it away for the next front range cold front to drag it south... Could be a long few months around here if those areas burning don't get rain.

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