Hey all, just wanted to throw a brief update for you. As we've mentioned we are sitting pretty this week! If you enjoyed Sunday's weather, you've got that copy and paste through the weekend. Might run into a tiny speed bump on Wednesday, but even then, that gives us better weather than what we have had for most of this month.
As the ridge maxes out later in the week, that's probably when we see the warmest temperatures. Almost like a wave cresting in the ocean, what goes up, must come down. You can see that early next week as we kick off March. The signals haven't been great for anything major just yet, but they have continued to indicate something active during that timeframe.
Below is the weather pattern at 500 millibars, one of the key levels in the atmosphere for distinguishing weather felt down at the surface. Oranges, typically warmer and drier, blues and greens typically represent colder air and wetter weather.
You can see the big orange blob over the western US for much of this week, followed by a stormy signal Monday through Wednesday of next week.
It's March and any sort of storm signal needs to be watched, and this one is no different. However, early indications don't give me a ton of hope just yet; seems like things are moving just a bit too quick, and potentially too far south, to get anything meaningful to organize/spin up. But, I digress, and we'll probably have different look in the upcoming days.
Following that potential early next week, it seems like we're going to buck the trend of this week's warmth. Long range patterns indicate the potential for active weather continuing into mid March, as well as cooler than average temps across much of the US.
I'm also interested to see how the upper-air patterns play out. We're seeing potential for an enhanced subtropical jet stream to develop, which can bring increased storm chances to our neck of the woods.
Regardless, don't let this week's brief respite from winter steer you in the wrong direction (I'm sure for most of us, we know what the next couple months are capable of.) If you're new here, just get ready to strap in... :)
Anyways, that's all I got for ya, hope you have a good week and enjoy this fantastic weather ahead!